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The Only National Organization Representing Oil & Gas Royalty Owners Interest

The Mineral Management Program - Education For Mineral Owners

How Do I Recertify?


  1. Submit Recertification form (see Toolkit) 
  2. Pay fee
  3. Meet the Educational Credits requirement 
  4. Meet the the Ethics Credit requirement


  • Application for recertification must be made every five (5) years. Such application must establish that candidates continue to meet the criteria to maintain their certification status for their appropriate level by completing the requisite credit hours for that level.

  • Approximately 120 days prior to the annual NARO National Convention, Recertification Notices will be sent to RMMs and CMMs needing to recertify noting the forthcoming anniversary date of initial certification. Each RMM/CMM must complete the Recertification Form (see Toolkit) with applicable fee(s) and return it to the Mineral Management Program registrar prior to their anniversary date.

  • All RMMs/CMM’s must complete the requisite number of Education Credits for recertification within the prescribed five-year period for recertification. Education Credits must be earned during the current certification period. Previously earned credits cannot be carried over into a new period. 
    • Registered Mineral Managers, RMM’s must accumulate a minimum of thirty (30) Education Credits and one (1) Education Credit in Ethics. Twenty (20) of the Education Credits must be from NARO sponsored events.
    • Certified Mineral Managers, CMM’s must accumulate a minimum of sixty (60) Education Credits and one (1) Education Credit in Ethics. Forty (40) of the Education Credits must be from NARO sponsored events.
    • The Emeritus Level No Education Credits are needed.
  • The Recertification Fee is $100 for both RMMs and CMMs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mineral Management Program?

The Mineral Management Program is an educational self-study course offered exclusively through the NARO Foundation designed to increase your knowledge of mineral management. The Program has two levels of certification. 

Registered Mineral Manager (RMM) - The RMM level certification is designed for the individual who wishes to increase their basic level understanding of concepts associated with mineral ownership and mineral management. The Registered Mineral Manager may use the RMM designation after their name in signatures, business cards, etc. 

The Certified Mineral Manager (CMM) - The CMM level certification is designed for the individual who is currently, or plans to be, involved in any aspect of managing, administration or development of oil and gas properties. The CMM level is more advanced and in-depth level of knowledge. Trust officers, landmen and attorneys can benefit from this level. CMMs may use the CMM designation after their name in signatures, business cards, etc. 

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What is required to enroll in the Mineral Management Program?

For either level, you must;

  1. Be a NARO member in good standing. If you are not sure of your membership status you may send an email to or call 918-794-1660 
  2. Submit a registration form and payment. 
Mineral Management Program Registration Form 

What is required to complete the Program?

There are two main requirements associated with the program - education and examination. There are two exams affiliated with the Program. You must obtain a passing grade on the exams in order to complete the certificaton. You must also accumulate the required number of Education Credits (ECs) for each level of the certification, including one (1) Ethics Credit.

Registered Mineral Manager (RMM) - Candidates must pass Exam 1 and complete a minimum of fifty (50) Educational Credit hours, including one (1) hour of Ethics Education Credit prior to taking Exam 1.

Certified Mineral Managers (CMM) - Candidates must pass Exam 1 and 2 and complete a minimum of one hundred (100) Educational Credit hours, including one (1) hour of Ethics Education Credit prior to taking Exam 2.

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How do I accumulate Education Credit (EC) Hours?

Attend NARO sponsored events such as town halls, webinars, conventions, Mineral Management Review Classes and seminars. Many oil and gas related educational classes and educational events count towards some education credits for the Program. You may also use past oil and gas professional experience and current industry related certifications towards education credits. You may submit credits retroactively up to five years prior to the time of your registration for the Program. There are limitations so please see the Mineral Management Program Policy and Procedures for more information

How do I earn the required Ethics Credit? 

  • Ethics credits can be obtained by attending either NARO or non-NARO events in which Ethics is specifically mentioned in the program schedule.  
  • Outside of NARO, there are professions (CPAs, Attorneys, Financial Advisors, etc.) which require ethics training. Submitting an Affidavit of Attendance with documentation of recent Ethics related coursework, training, or seminars is another way to potentially earn the Ethics credit. If you are unsure if an upcoming event qualifies for the Ethics credit you may submit the event program to for review and approval. 

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How and where do I take the Exams?

Examination opportunities are offered throughout the year at NARO State Conventions and the annual NARO National Convention. Exam 2 is only offered at the NARO National Convention.

All candidates for certification must complete registration in the Program, pay the registration fee and obtain the necessary education credit hours prior to sitting for the Exams. Candidates are required to submit proof of prerequisite education credit affiliated with your level of the Program prior to taking their examinations. Preregistration and prepayment for the exams is required. Contact the Mineral Management Program Registrar at to confirm educational credits have been meet and to register for any exams. 

Can I sit for multiple exams at once?

Only one exam may be taken at any testing opportunity, 90 minutes will be given for Exam 1 and 2. NARO National Convention does offer TWO exam opportunities.

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What should I study before the exams? 

Study resources, including the Review Course Manual, are available on the Program registration form or by contacting the National Office at 918-749-1660.

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What is the Mineral Management Review Course?

The Review Course is a 4-hour educational course and often includes an Ethics session. The fee to attend is $75.00 and does not include the cost of the review manual.  The Review Course is offered multiple times during the year.

The course is elective to the program, although most participants choose to attend prior to testing. Preregistration is required by contacting the Registrar at or by calling the National Office at 918-749-1660.

These courses are also available for attendance to those not currently enrolled in the Program. However, those that intend to attend either course must still preregister and pay the associated fees to attend. Attending either course will not enroll you in the Program nor register you to take an Exam. Attending either course does not include registration in any NARO Convention. 

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